All URIs are relative to the master’s API URL
Method | HTTP request | Description |
createFlow | POST /jobFlows | Creates a new Flow, and returns its ID for later use. |
getJobDefinitionsByFlow | GET /jobFlows/{flowId}/jobs | Returns job definitions for the given flow ID. |
getJobFlow | GET /jobFlows/{flowId} | Returns a Flow with the given ID, if any. |
getJobFlows | GET /jobFlows | Returns all known flows. |
JobFlow createFlow(rootJobId)
Creates a new Flow, and returns its ID for later use.
This API creates a new Flow, optionally for an existing Job, and returns the new Flow. If a root Job is provided, and is already associated with a Flow, no flow is created, but the existing Flow is returned instead.
// Import classes:
FlowApi apiInstance = new FlowApi();
String rootJobId = "rootJobId_example"; // String | Identifier of the existing Job that should be the root of the new Flow. If the root Job is already associated with a Flow, no flow is created, but the existing flow is returned instead. If the root Job does not have an associated flow yet, a new Flow is created and the given root Job is associated to this new Flow.
try {
JobFlow result = apiInstance.createFlow(rootJobId);
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling FlowApi#createFlow");
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
rootJobId | String | Identifier of the existing Job that should be the root of the new Flow. If the root Job is already associated with a Flow, no flow is created, but the existing flow is returned instead. If the root Job does not have an associated flow yet, a new Flow is created and the given root Job is associated to this new Flow. | optional |
No authorization required
List<JobDefinition> getJobDefinitionsByFlow(flowId)
Returns job definitions for the given flow ID.
This API allows you to retrieve job definitions by flow ID.
// Import classes:
FlowApi apiInstance = new FlowApi();
String flowId = "flowId_example"; // String |
try {
List<JobDefinition> result = apiInstance.getJobDefinitionsByFlow(flowId);
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling FlowApi#getJobDefinitionsByFlow");
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
flowId | String |
No authorization required
JobFlow getJobFlow(flowId)
Returns a Flow with the given ID, if any.
This API allows you to retrieve a flow.
// Import classes:
FlowApi apiInstance = new FlowApi();
String flowId = "flowId_example"; // String |
try {
JobFlow result = apiInstance.getJobFlow(flowId);
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling FlowApi#getJobFlow");
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
flowId | String |
No authorization required
List<JobFlow> getJobFlows()
Returns all known flows.
This API allows you to retrieve all flows from the system.
// Import classes:
FlowApi apiInstance = new FlowApi();
try {
List<JobFlow> result = apiInstance.getJobFlows();
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling FlowApi#getJobFlows");
This endpoint does not need any parameter.
No authorization required