The Jersey Server Sent Events client is a java client that allows to receive events when :
Please refer to the documentation of the Master SSE endpoints for further details.
Add this dependency to your project’s POM:
Add this dependency to your project’s build file:
compile "com.decisionbrain:optimserver-client-sse-jersey:PROJECT_VERSION"
import com.decisionbrain.optimserver.client.sse.AuthenticationService;
import com.decisionbrain.optimserver.client.sse.JobEventListener;
import com.decisionbrain.optimserver.client.sse.SseListener;
import com.decisionbrain.optimserver.client.sse.config.KeycloakClientConfig;
import com.decisionbrain.optimserver.client.sse.impl.KeycloakAuthenticationServiceImpl;
import com.decisionbrain.optimserver.client.sse.jersey.config.SseJerseyConfig;
import com.decisionbrain.optimserver.master.model.JobSolution;
import com.decisionbrain.optimserver.master.model.JobStatusEvent;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
public class OptimserverSseClientApplication {
private static final String API_URL = "https://OPTIMSERVER";
private static final String KEYCLOAK_URL = "https://OPTIMSERVER_AUTHENTICATION/auth";
private static final String KEYCLOAK_REALM = "decisionbrain";
private static final String KEYCLOAK_CLIENT = "optimserver";
private static final String KEYCLOAK_USER = "optimserver";
private static final String KEYCLOAK_PASSWORD = "optimserver";
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Use the rest API to create a job and get its identifier.
String jobId = "jobAlreadyCreatedId";
// This is the main keycloak configuration to authenticate on your Master API.
final KeycloakClientConfig keycloakClientConfig = KeycloakClientConfig.builder()
final AuthenticationService authenticationService = new KeycloakAuthenticationServiceImpl(keycloakClientConfig);
// Configure the master API url and optionally the SSE reconnect time.
final SseJerseyConfig sseJerseyConfig = SseJerseyConfig.builder().apiUrl(API_URL).reconnect(2000).build();
// Create the listener service instance
final SseListener sseListener = new JerseySseListenerImpl(authenticationService, sseJerseyConfig);
// Register a listener to the service
// This is an inline representation of a JobEventListener but you could also create your own implementation.
sseListener.register(jobId, new JobEventListener() {
public Consumer<JobSolution> onSolution() {
// When a job solution will be found, this method will be called
return (jobSolution) -> System.out.println("Do whatever you want with the jobSolution");
public Consumer<JobStatusEvent> onJobStatusEvent() {
// When a job status will change, this method will be called
return (jobStatusEvent) -> System.out.println("Do whatever you want with the jobStatusEvent");
If you want to catch the exceptions that can occur during the job execution, you can also implement the methods ‘onSolutionError’ and ‘onJobStatusEventError’ in your JobEventListener implementation :
sseListener.register(jobId, new JobEventListener() {
public Consumer<JobSolution> onSolution() {
return (jobSolution) -> System.out.println("Do whatever you want with the jobSolution");
public Consumer<com.decisionbrain.optimserver.master.model.JobStatusEvent> onJobStatusEvent() {
return (jobStatusEvent) -> System.out.println("Do whatever you want with the jobStatusEvent");
public Consumer<Throwable> onSolutionError() {
return (exception) -> System.out.println("Do whatever you want with the Exception");
public Consumer<Throwable> onJobStatusEventError() {
return (exception) -> System.out.println("Do whatever you want with the Exception");
You may also want to connect to your Master API with a basic auth authentication. You can then use the following code :
final BasicAuthConfig basicAuthConfig = BasicAuthConfig.builder().userName("user").password("password").build();
final AuthenticationService authenticationService = new BasicAuthenticationServiceImpl(basicAuthConfig);
The client Javadoc is available in this page.